It is possible to call up the Full-Text Search (FTS) and the SOLR page not only via the localhost of the installed machine, but also via a domain in the internal network.
General configuration
If you want to configure this, go through the following steps:
- Stop the "WebOffice FTS-Index (Port 8983)" service (via Windows services).
- In the "" file (path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VertiGIS\WebOffice FTS-Index\bin") enter the IP addresses in "SOLR_IP_ALLOWLIST" of the machines that are authorised to access the SOLR page.
- You can find out the IP address of a machine via the command prompt (cmd) with "ipconfig/all".
- Define for "SOLR_JETTY_HOST" in the "" file.
- Restart the "WebOffice FTS-Index (Port 8983)" service.
- Enable port 8983 in the network firewall for incoming rules.
Example links
http://<computer name><domain>:8983/solr/#/login
http://<computer name><domain>:8983/FTS-Index/#/WebOffice
Observable problems
If you still have the file "jetty-ipfilter.xml" (path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VertiGIS\WebOffice FTS-Index\server\etc"), you can delete this file or create a backup, as you no longer need this file in the new SOLR version (9.3.0). In addition, the following file "server.mod" (path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VertiGIS\WebOffice FTS-Index\server\modules") the last line (line 12) must be removed and should then look as follows:
It has already happened several times that the Windows service "WebOffice FTS-Index (Port 8983)" is terminated, but unfortunately a process remains hanging, which occupies port 8983. After restarting the Windows service, everything seems to work as desired on the surface: The service is started and FTS-Index is available under port 8983.
However, as the old process is still being used, the configuration changes have never been loaded! You can check this by opening the SOLR page and checking what is shown under Start (the value correlates with the restart of the service). Here you can also check whether the changes in the "solr-in.cmd" file have been applied (see screenshot below).
The TCPView tool from SysInternals (or similar tools) can be used to check which process is using a specific port (or that the desired port has actually been released after the FTS-Index service has been stopped). This tool can also be used to terminate the relevant process directly if required.
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