In case you cannot run your WebOffice project (application does not start) but instead you get a message in the browser saying, e.g. "This page can't be displayed" the problem might occur because of the Windows firewall settings or because of the proxy server settings of your browser.

The browser cannot access WebOffice 10.8 SP2
Windows Firewall Settings
First check the firewall settings of your WebOffice server. Because the firewall on the most OS is active by default, you have to open the port 8080 in order to be able to access WebOffice 10.8 SP2 via Tomcat which by default uses port 8080. Therefore open the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security settings and define inbound rules for the port 8080.
Note: In case you have installed the Apache Tomcat Connector (optional) it is not necessary to open the port 8080. Instead, check that port 80 is opened.
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Create a new inbound rule
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - specify port 8080
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - allow the connection
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - choose the profile
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - enter a name
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - active rule opening port 8080
Proxy Server Settings
In case everything is fine regarding the Windows firewall settings but the browser still cannot access a WebOffice 10.8 SP2 project, then check if the proxy settings of your browser are set correctly.
With the Internet Explorer open the Internet Options, navigate to Connections and open LAN settings. There, configure the correct proxy server settings.
Configure proxy server settings in Internet Explorer
In case you are using Mozilla Firefox go to Options in the main menu, proceed to menu Advanced and open the tab Network. There you find the button Settings... where you can adjust your proxy server settings.
Configure proxy server settings in Mozilla Firefox
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