This article shows one way to migrate saved projects from one server to another, by moving the source data for one of the indices in the Document Store role. There are a few things to note before proceeding:
This article shows one way to migrate saved projects from one server to another, by moving the source data for one of the indices in the Document Store role. There are a few things to note before proceeding:
- Some parts of the saved project may be environment-specific and the projects may not load or be visible in their new location.
- This method will not work if migrating from a clustered environment.
- There are extra considerations that will need to be taken when migrating into a clustered environment.
- Migrating your saved projects from one server to another will replace the projects on the destination with the projects from the source. We cannot combine saved projects from multiple sources.
- From the source server, navigate to the following directory: C:\Program Files\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Core\Data\DocumentStore\DocumentStore\<cluster>\nodes\0\indices
Note: Replace <cluster> with the name of the cluster. There should only be one folder in the DocumentStore folder to choose from.
- Copy the docs_geocortex_essentials_users_documents folder from the source folder to the desktop of the destination server(s), or a similar temporary location.
Note: If you are copying to a clustered environment (including an environment with a single Essentials server that is clustered with an Analytics server), you will need to copy this folder to the desktop of both servers. Otherwise, the cluster will not accept the new data from one node, since it does not exist on the others.
- Stop Core on the destination server(s)
- Move the docs_geocortex_essentials_users_documents folder out of the C:\Program Files\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Core\Data\DocumentStore\DocumentStore\<cluster>\nodes\0\indices folder, into a temporary location on the server(s)
- Move the docs_geocortex_essentials_users_documents folder from the desktop into the C:\Program Files\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Core\Data\DocumentStore\DocumentStore\<cluster>\nodes\0\indices folder on the target server(s)
- Start Core on the (first) destination server. Once it's started, start Core on the other server(s) if applicable
- Log into Essentials manager, and go to the Security and Data tab.
- Click on Documents under the Data Store section on the left side
- You should see your projects. Depending on how they were saved, it's possible that they may be orphaned, and need to be reassigned to a new owner. For example, if you signed in on the source server as an ArcGIS Online or Identity Server user, and saved a project, that project will need to be reassigned to a new user on the destination server. This happens because each installation of Essentials uses a unique identifier for the source of the permissions.
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