This Knowledge base article shows you how to increase the idle timeout of the Geocortex Essentials REST manager.
This Knowledge base article shows you how to increase the idle timeout of the Geocortex Essentials REST manager.
- On your Essentials server edit C:\Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\REST Elements\Manager\Web.config
Note: Replace Default with the name of your Essentials Instance.
- Search for the phrase "sessionState timeout=".
- Change the value of the timeout field from 20 to your new number. The value is in minutes.
- Save and close the file.
Note that there will be a 20 - 30 second delay before Manager is accessible again after saving the file.
- Now open IIS Manager, and go to the App Pools section.
- Right click on the Manager app pool (By default this pool is called "EssentialsAdministrationAppPool4"), and select "Advanced Settings".
- Under the Process Model section, change the Idle Time-out (Minutes) value to match the value you set in the web.config file (in step 3).
- Recycle the app pool, by right clicking it and selecting "Recycle…".
- Log out of Manager.
- Log in for your new settings to take effect.
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