Can the UT Asset Manager also be used with ArcGIS Desktop licenses instead of ArcGIS Engine licenses?
Yes, this is possible. This requires an installation of ArcGIS Desktop so that a desktop license can be set in ArcGIS Administrator.
ArcGIS Desktop must be installed first. Extensions of ArcGIS Desktop such as Schematics or similar do not need to be installed. When installing UT Desktop Suite, the UT Editor component can be deselected if only a workplace with UT Asset Manager is required.
Note: When switching from previous licensing with ArcGIS Engine licenses to ArcGIS Desktop licenses, please note that a subsequent installation of ArcGIS Desktop is not sufficient and at least the installation of UT Desktop Suite must be repaired. If licensing with an ArcGIS Engine license is no longer required, we recommend uninstalling UT Asset Manager and ArcGIS Engine and then installing ArcGIS Desktop and reinstalling UT Asset Manager. |
Setup of the licensing
The license is set as usual in the ArcGIS Administrator.
If the UT Asset Manager is only used as an information workplace and the Edit Extension is not installed, an ArcGIS Desktop Basic license is sufficient instead of an ArcGIS Engine Runtime license. However, it is also possible to use an ArcGIS Desktop Standard or ArcGIS Desktop Advanced license.
If the UT Asset Manager is also used to edit data and the Edit Extension is installed, an ArcGIS Desktop Standard license can be used instead of the ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update. Alternatively, it is also possible to use an ArcGIS Desktop Advanced license. An ArcGIS Desktop Basic license is not sufficient.
Adjustment of preferred licenses (optional)
The UT Asset Manager checks the availability of the various licenses at startup. The first available license is used. The list of licenses from the AssetManager-Licenses.components file is evaluated in the order in which they are defined there. If the Edit Extension is also installed, only the licenses that allow editing are taken into account.
Note: The AssetManager-Licenses.components file can be found under "C:\Program Files (x86)\AED-SICAD\ArcFM_UT\bin\AedSicad.UT.Applications.AssetManager\" when installed in the default directory. |
You can slightly improve the start performance of the UT Asset Manager by storing your own components file with licenses, in which only the licenses that are available are listed. Furthermore, the order of the licenses can be used to determine which license type should be preferred.
You can derive and adapt your own components file with licenses as a copy of AssetManager-Licenses.components. Reset="true"
must be inserted in the XML element <Licenses>
. The elements for licenses that are not required can be deleted or commented out. The order of the elements of the individual licenses can be adjusted as required.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Licenses Comment="my preferred Esri licenses" Reset="true">
<!--<License Id="License_EsriEngine"
Info="Esri Engine Runtime License"
Type="esri" Name="esriLicenseProductCodeEngine"
<!--<License Id="License_EsriGeoDB"
Info="Esri Engine GDB Update License"
Type="esri" Name="esriLicenseProductCodeEngineGeoDB"
<License Id="License_EsriBasic"
Info="Esri Basic License"
Type="esri" Name="esriLicenseProductCodeBasic"
<License Id="License_EsriStandard"
Info="Esri Standard License"
Type="esri" Name="esriLicenseProductCodeStandard"
<!--<License Id="License_EsriAdvanced"
Info="Esri Advanced License"
Type="esri" Name="esriLicenseProductCodeAdvanced"
Important: The file name of the custom components file must be in alphabetical order after AssetManager-Licenses.components, e.g. AssetManager-Licenses.custom.components or AssetManager-MyLicenses.components. |
Note: Direct editing of the AssetManager-Licenses.components is possible but not recommended, as it will be overwritten when the installation is repaired or a new version is installed. |
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