Integration and Configuration FAQs
- Should I run the VSP Engine Tools in asynchronous mode (default) or in synchronous mode? What is the difference?
- What are the suggested timeout and instance configurations on the server site for the VSP Engine Tools (Geoprocessing Service Properties)?
- Can I use the VSP Designer without the VSP Engine Tools?
- The VSP Engine Tools are running on my ArcGIS Server, but I don't see them in the VSP Designer. What might be the problem and how can I solve it?
- The ArcGIS Pro Layout Mode in the VSP Designer is not enabled. What might be the problem and how can I solve it?
- Can I design PAGX layouts shared in ArcGIS Online in VSP Designer with ArcGIS Pro Layout Mode active?
- Can I open or import layout templates designed with ArcGIS Pro 2.x in VSP Designer, if the VSP Engine Tools are published on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.x?
- Can I open or import layout templates designed with ArcGIS Pro 3.x in VSP Designer, if the VSP Engine Tools are published on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.x?
- I have opened or imported a PAGX layout in VSP Designer, but the layout looks different to the one in ArcGIS Pro. What might be the problem and how can I solve it?
- Will unsupported ArcGIS Pro layout configurations be lost if I open or import them in VSP Designer? Is there a list of layout configurations which are available in both, in VSP Designer and in ArcGIS Pro?
- Which layout templates are supported by the VSP Engine Tools? Can I use pre-defined ESRI ArcGIS Pro layout templates for prints in VSW applications?
- Do I need ArcGIS Pro if I want to design my layout templates in VSP Designer and use them in VSW applications?
- Can I use native VSP Designer templates ('Web Mapping Application' items) and ArcGIS Pro layout templates ('Layout' items) at the same time for a VSW application?
- I have designed a layout in VSP Designer, but the print preview is different to the print result in my VertiGIS Studio Web app. What might be the problem and how can I solve it?
- I have a server site with clustered machines with a configured UNC share for output and jobs directories, but the performance is lower than with a single machine server site setup. What might be the problem and how can I solve it?
- Can I use the VSP Engine Tools for prints in ArcGIS Pro?
- Is there a component diagram where I can better visualize how the VSP Engine Tools are integrated with other VertiGIS Products?