If for some reason the VSP Engine Tools post installer has not finished successfully, but the service is running on your server site, it might be the case that required portal item configurations are missing. To make the VSP Engine Tools available for other VertiGIS Studio products manually perform the following steps which are usually done be the POST installer:
- Add the Type Keyword 'VertiGIS Printing Engine Tools' to the existing typeKeywords parameter of the related geoprocessing tools portal item. This can be done by using VertiGIS Studio Item Manager or ArcGIS Online Assistant: https://assistant.esri-ps.com/signin
- Add the tag 'Designer Pro' to the tags of the related geoprocessing tools portal item to enable the ArcGIS Pro Layout Mode in VSP Designer.
Please see https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/articles/18559433083410-Unable-to-Toggle-ArcGIS-Pro-Layout-Mode-in-Print-Designer-After-Installing-VertiGIS-Studio-Print-Engine for a detailed walkthrough of setting the Type Keyword and Tag.
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