A dimension feature class can contain several dimension styles.
- The layout of such a dimension style cannot be changed afterwards via the ArcCatalog user interface.
- Therefore, we describe the layout in an Excel sheet (DimensionStyles.xls) in the UT.
- The corresponding layout definitions (for dimension line, dimension auxiliary line, dimension line delimiter, text parameters) are made with ArcMap in an ESRI style file ( DimensionSymbols.style). The Excel sheet refers to this style file.
- With the help of a context menu function in the ArcCatalog the dimension styles can then be re-read or updated/changed. The ESRI style IDs are not changed in the process (and thus existing dimension features retain their assignment to the now new dimension layout).
- UT Editor Administration Manual - Customizing UT Construction and Dimensioning - Dimension Styles
- With the help of VB-Script, the text content of the dimension text can be influenced, for example.
For the more common case that PREFIX and/or SUFFIX texts as well as a manually corrected dimension value (CUSTOMLENGTH) are to be displayed, the following VB script could be used, for example
If not IsNull([PREFIX]) Then PREFIX=[PREFIX] & " " End If
If not IsNull([SUFFIX]) Then SUFFIX= " " & [SUFFIX] End If
FindLabel = PREFIX & FormatNumber([DIMLENGTH],1) & SUFFIX
FindLabel = PREFIX & FormatNumber([CUSTOMLENGTH],1) & SUFFIX
End If
End Function
The styles for texts, line patterns and dimension line delimiters are usually created and edited with the style editor in ArcMap. Please note:
Dimension texts with left and right alignment must have bottom as vertical alignment. Otherwise "inexplicable" gaps will appear in the dimension line.
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