How to get debug information in UT for ArcGIS Desktop Suite?
You can switch on the logging in the application or in configuration files. Changes in the application appear immediately. Changes in the configuration file are only evaluate during Start-up and doesn’t affect a running application. But it allows logging the start of the application.
Application: UT / Customize / UT Options / Error logging
Configuration file:
Activated in file: %APPDATA%\AED_SICAD\ArcFM_UT\conf\configure.log4net
Activating: <level value="DEBUG" /> (below the comments)
Target: as configured in the file <param name="File" value="<path>\UT_Desktop.log" />
Default: %APPDATA%\AED_SICAD\ArcFM_UT\log\UT_Desktop.log
Note: Only one application can be logged per user profile. If 2 applications are running parallel (e.g. ArcCatalog + UT Editor), only the application started first is logged. |
Tipp: Usually the logging should be deactivated (use log level ERROR) because of Performance. Detailed logging should only be activated in case of an error reproduction (use log level DEBUG). |
UT Database Schema Tool:
For the UT Database Schema Tool you can switch on further loggings.
Logging of: GeoClient-Viewer-Log
Activation: <ARCFMUT_LOG_LEVEL>=ALL (DEBUG,SQL,INFO,WARN,ERROR,FATAL) and <ARCFMUT_LOG_FILE>=<path/file> e.g. c:\temp\ut_viewer.log
Output target: as indicated in environment variable
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