If you receive an error message when creating WebOffice plot prints in large formats such as A0 and A1, please try the following test to narrow down the cause:
Problem description
- The corresponding tool for printing is displayed in the toolbar in the WebOffice 10.8 SP2 Client
- When creating the A0/A1 expression, an error message appears in the client after a few minutes.
- The printout in the PDF output format is successfully created in the ArcGIS Server output directory (by default .\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisoutput\SynOutputService_MapServer\..)
- You find the following entry in the log file (activate log categories BRIDGE for SOE Logging first):
#2018-11-26 13:52:25,655 DEBUG [ajp-nio-8009-exec-4 ] <projectname> E0F71697FAEC1F857CF56A8E62A4D2DC 1221956
FAILED :: Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<SYN_CS session_id="ef50e92e-efc0-429b-bb97-b1a17b430840" xmlns:ns2="http://www.mysynergis.com/schemas/wogui_5">
<REQ id_req="1543236247857" timeout="20">
<GET_PRINT printpage_id="2137" printoutput="PDF" hires_option_checked="true" plot_rotation="-0.0" overview_border_color="255,204,0" subaction="get_print_user" timeout="20">
<CENTERPOINT_SCALE scale="0.0" rotation="0.0"/>
<CENTERPOINT_SCALE_MULTI x="452652.62921063474" y="462687.31827714015" scale="2500.0" rotation="0.0" overlap="0"/>
<DYNFIELD dynfield_id="title_value" dynfield_value="Datenauszug"/>
<DYNFIELD dynfield_id="creator_value" dynfield_value="<username>"/>
caused by failed to process REST operation (class: b, service: com.mysynergis.functions.geoserver.agsrest.map.o@2ea2823c[
] ) due to an unexpected error
caused by Socket exception. Connection reset
Cause of problem
- In this case it seems that the connection to the client was closed by the server. This may be a problem with the request you were sending, or a problem at its end.
- Check the following points:
- How is the Timeouts for Printing parameter configured the WebOffice application configuration?
- Is a proxy server in use? The reason for this is that almost every proxy server cancels requests after a certain duration.
- Are timeouts set high enough at the SynoutputService?
- Please try the following tests to better determine the cause:
- Perform print tests directly via services > SynOutputService (MapServer) > SynSOEGateway > soe_base
- The print request from the WebOffice log file (BRIDGE log category for SOE logging must be activated beforehand) must be inserted in the "soe_q" field.

print test directly via SynSOEGateway by SynOutputService
- Please note: This "soe_base" page must be called with different URLs in the browser in order to narrow down the cause of the problem.
- Test with internal Server URL with ArcGIS Server Port (https://gisserver:6443/arcgis/..): Print SUCCESSFUL (response shows path to the created PDF)
- Test with Server URL via Web Adaptor (https://gisserver.domain.com/<webadaptorname>/..): Print SUCCESSFUL (response shows path to the created PDF)
- Test with URL via LoadBalancer URL (https://loadbalancerURL.domain.com/<webadaptorname>/..): Print FAILED (error message in browser ==> The problem is to be found in the IT of the customer, because the LoadBalancer configuration has to be adapted (probably threshold values, timeouts, etc.).
- Please note: This "soe_base" page must be called with different URLs in the browser in order to narrow down the cause of the problem.
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