This workflow uses a configurable schema to build a spatial query with buffered features from another layer. It allows an administrator to limit the search in a few ways, such as buffer maximum and minimum (or letting the user pick at all), and which layer to query. It is possible also to use the geometry of the given results (one or many) with the help of a feature action. These will replace the geometry picker form for the later buffered search.
Important: This workflow can be called with multiple set-ups in the same application. Be sure to add specific
instructions to the user or details about the workflow with the formTitle and formDescription inputs.
sourceLayer: string (optional)
The name of the layer to be buffered. If not found the model uri of the layer to be queried. (e.g. "sourceLayer": "0b7c62a2-2bdd-46e2-b82a-9e6bbaa749c9"). Feature Layers and Map Image Layers are supported.
Required if the workflow is not lauched from a feature action.isBufferConfigurable: boolean
Indicates if a user can pick a buffer distance or not.defaultBuffer: number (optional)
Default buffer to use. Required if isBufferConfigurable is false. Default is 100.bufferMin: number (optional)
Minimum buffer that a user can use.bufferMax: number (optional)
Maximum buffer that a user can use.targetLayers: string array
An array of layer names that can be queried. At least one layer is required. If not found the model uri of the layer to be queried (ex. "targetLayer": "0b7c62a2-2bdd-46e2-b82a-9e6bbaa749c9"). Feature Layers and Map Image Layers are supported.workflowTitle: string
Title for the workflow. Default "Neighbourhood Search".formTitle: string
Title for the first form. Default "Selection Method".formDescription: string
Description for the first form. Default "Pick a geometry type to select features to search around.".
- The first form is a geometry picker form, and is displayed allowing the user to pick features from the source layer to be buffered and used to query a target layer.
- This form only shows if the workflow is configured out of a feature action, e.g. using the "I want to"-Menu or a Toolbar.
- If the workflow is configured in a feature action, for example using the Map Settings, then these features will be passed onto the workflow and this form is ignored.
- The second form is a buffer picker, allowing the user to preview and determine the desired buffer size.
- This form only shows if isBufferConfigurable is true.
- If bufferMin and/or bufferMax are configured, the user can only input values that do not go below minimum or above maximum. The user cannot go negative even if minimum is not configured.
- If defaultBuffer is configured, it will automatically populate the buffer input, and it will automatically preview it on the map.
- If this form is not displayed, the defaultBuffer will be used as the buffer distance, and the buffered geometry will be displayed on the map automatically for the next form (if it exists).
- The third and last form is the layer picker form, allowing the user to select a layer to query with the buffered features from the source layer.
- This form only shows if targetLayers contain two or more layers.
If targetLayers only has one layer, this one will be used automatically for the spatial
Configuration Example
- Full example with Geometry Picker, Buffer and Target Layer Forms using layer extension Ids:
- Example with only Geometry Picker using layer names:
- Feature action example without Geometry Picker, Buffer and Target Layer Forms (using just
default values):
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