Simply switch between different VertiGIS Studio Web Apps while, retaining the current map view. This workflow allows for administrators to show or hide Apps according to the state of users in their application and their use or availability. It offers high customizability for various types of use cases.
- VertiGIS Studio Productivity Kit with active service subscription
- Activity Pack Deployment
The deployment of Activity Packs is described in this section.
showOnlyVerified: boolean
Only display apps for picking if their sharingUrl, IDs and current signed in user access have been verified.
sharingUrl: string (optional)
Default URL for the sharing REST endpoint of the applications. Can be overriden per app. Required if showOnlyVerified is TRUE.
apps: Objektarray
Information about the apps to be switched. The following properties are
title: string
Title of the App to be displayed in the workflow. -
description: string
Description of the App to be displayed in the workflow. id: string (optional)
- ArcGIS/Portal ID of the App. Required if showOnlyVerified is TRUE.
sharingUrl: string (optional)
Specific sharing URL for this App, if in a different
organization than the default sharingUrl. -
url: string (optional)
Full URL to this App. Required to show if App is not validated
with the current signed in user. This URL is not validated by the workflow.
Configuration Example
- showOnlyVerified: true; sharingUrl: configured; Apps>id: configured:
If this field is set to true, Apps will only show in the list if the current user has access to the Apps. To accomplish that, all Apps must have id configured, and the sharingUrl must be configured (default and/or within apps). This configuration would be recommended if the source application requires a sign in, and the administrator wants to limit the list of Apps to only those which the user can access.
- showOnlyVerified: false; sharingUrl: configured; Apps>id: configured; Apps>url: configured:
When verification is set to false, Apps can still show in the list if they fail to be found with the current user's access level. Apps will still show in the list, and the user is able to navigate to the App, but will be prompted for authentication from the destination App. Apps will only show in the list if the url configuration is set, as the workflow is not able to retrieve the URL of the item. This set-up is similar to #1, but will show the complete list of Apps, even if a user can't access them.
- showOnlyVerified: false; Apps>url: configured:
When verification is set to false, and Apps do not have an id configured, the verification step is skipped completely, and Apps will show regardless of user access. This set-up would make sure that the apps are always listed, leaving the users to navigate and authenticate as needed on the other applications.
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