When updating a database from version 5.2 to 5.4, a reference is not changed to globalid. The log file contains the following error:
EOleSysError occured: OLE error #80040659 at DAO.Recordset: No current record.
In the debug log, which can be generated in the update module, you can see the following entry:
10:30:29.576 Adding GlobalRef to "AWKT_BAUWERK.OBJECTID".
10:30:29.576 EOleSysError occured: OLE error #80040659 at DAO.Recordset: No current record.
The problem occurs when trying to change the ObjectID in the table AWKT_BAUWERK to the GlobalID.
The reason for this ERROR message are extended OBM - relations.
If you want to update a table/relationship from itself, you must not use 1:1 - relations.
This concerns the following relations:
These must be changed as follows (to 1:0 label relations).
Afterwards the update runs without OLE error.
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