This chapter gives an insight into the procedure of the printing process.
The following illustration shows the process of printing in WebOffice 10.8 SP2:
graphic representation of the print process
Following steps are carried out here:
1. Client (user)
a. The user presses the 'print' button in the client => Print request will be send from client to WebOffice Application server (Tomcat).
2. WebOffice Application Server (Tomcat)
a. Assemble content: Tomcat sends a request via http / REST interface to the SynOutputService Server Object Extension (SOE).
3. ArcGIS Server
a. The SOE provides all layers which are involved in the plot. This is an internal request of SOE, since the information is stored in the SOE's cache. The SOE loads all involved MXDs (\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput\<ordner>\<servicename>.MapServer\extracted\v101\<servicename>.mxd) into the cache. These MXDs are then listed here: http://<servername>:[Port]/arcgis/rest/services/SynOutputService/MapServer/exts/SynSOEGateway/SynerGIS_SSC_Handler.
b. The cache will be created either by 'Reload resources' or at least with the first plot.
4. WebOffice Application Server (Tomcat)
a. OutputPrintExport: Tomcat sends a request via http / REST interface to the SynOutputService SOE. At this point the dynamic print field information, the north arrow, the scale and other layout information are passed.
5. ArcGIS Server
a. SerializeContent: Accumulated layers are inserted into the empty SynPlotService.mxd. The SOE copies the plottemplate-MXD (\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficePlotTemplates\SynPlotService.mxd) into \arcgisserver\directories\arcgisoutput\SynOutputService_MapServer.
6. WebOffice extensions
a. The provided MXD is printed by using ArcGIS Engine and the path returns to the SOE.
7. ArcGIS Server
a. The SOE receives the definitive plot path and passes it to WebOffice 10.8 SP2.
8. Client (user)
a. The final printed result is displayed in the client as an iFrame.
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