Compiled Layer reports
I’m using VertiGIS Studio Reporting to generate pdf output of Survey forms for selected features on the map.
The features are consumed from my service’s Feature Layers and for each feature, several forms are available in a Standalone Table that’s also published in this service.
So, the service’s structure (generalized):
- Feature_point (0)
- Feature_polygon (1)
- Form_point (2)
- Form_polygon (3)
In the report, I want to include some info about the feature (point or polygon) in the Report Header (such as Name, Label, an image attachment, a Feature Picture Box to show it on the map). In the details I want to include the attributes of the associated Form that has been picked by the user via a Workflow. This WF that can be launched from the Results when a feature is identified on the Web Map.
In this WF a Run Report activity is included, and apart from the default parameter “FeatureIds”, another parameter “FormId” is passed on. The “FeatureIds” parameter always includes a single OBJECTID of the feature that is selected on the Web Map. The “FormId” is the OBJECTID of the Survey form that the user selected from all of the available forms for this feature.
I want to use a sub-report in the Details band of the Master report to display the form’s attribute fields. Each form can include several image attachments. These should also be included in the report. I’m trying to get a “multiFeatureAttachment” component working for this.
Currently, the Master report functions correctly as a Layer report (with the FeatureId passed on from the WF). But I was not able to get the sub-report working similarly with the FormId parameter.
Instead, I create a JSON datasource of the Survey form within the WF and pass this along in the “Data Sources” Inputs of the “Run Report” activity. I don’t know how to include image attachments in this JSON data source, however.
Would it be possible to create a report where the Master report is a Layer report with the FeatureId and the sub-report a Layer report with the FormId from the Run Report parameters?
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