JPG Photo Settings
BesvaratCan I set the JPG Photo Settings programmatically?

Officiell kommentar
Hi Nico, I'm Jack from the Mobile team.
After doing some digging, and checking with our developers, I was able to find out how you can do this. There are an operation and a command that aren't documented yet that you'd need to use:
- `settings.get`: A command used to obtain an object called SettingsInfo that contains every item in the settings dialog
- `settings.update`: Using a SettingsInfo object, you can update the settings.
To update the JPG photo settings, you need to set the `PhotoResize` variable in that SettingsInfo object. The value correspondance is as follows:
- Original: 0
- Large: 1
- Medium: 2
- Small: 3
For further information, I'll attach the JSON of the Workflow I created to achieve this. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or clarifications.
{ "_properties": { "isServerWorkflow": false }, "components": [ { "id": 2, "steps": [ { "id": 3, "inputs": {}, "position": "0,0", "purpose": "start", "title": "Start", "transitions": [ { "id": 7, "inputs": {}, "position": "90,60 90,110", "target": { "id": 6 } } ] }, { "action": "gcx:wf:app::RunOperation", "id": 6, "inputs": { "operationName": "settings.get" }, "name": "getSettings", "position": "-30,110", "title": "Run Operation", "transitions": [ { "id": 25, "inputs": {}, "position": "90,170 90,220", "target": { "id": 24 } } ] }, { "action": "gcx:wf:core::Log", "id": 8, "inputs": { "message": { "accessors": [ "$getSettings" ], "annotations": [ { "count": 12, "index": 0, "kind": "idref" } ], "code": "$getSettings.result", "source": "$getSettings.result" } }, "position": "-30,570", "title": "Log", "transitions": [ { "id": 14, "inputs": {}, "position": "90,600 90,660", "target": { "id": 13 } } ] }, { "action": "gcx:wf:app::RunOperation", "id": 13, "inputs": { "operationName": "settings.update", "operationParameter": { "accessors": [ "$getSettings" ], "annotations": [ { "count": 12, "index": 0, "kind": "idref" } ], "code": "$getSettings.result", "source": "$getSettings.result" } }, "name": "updateSettings", "position": "-30,660", "title": "Run Operation" }, { "action": "gcx:wf:core::Log", "id": 19, "inputs": { "message": { "accessors": [ "$evaluate2" ], "annotations": [ { "count": 10, "index": 0, "kind": "idref" } ], "code": "$evaluate2.result", "source": "$evaluate2.result" } }, "position": "-30,400", "title": "Log", "transitions": [ { "id": 35, "position": "90,430 90,480", "target": { "id": 34 } } ] }, { "action": "gcx:wf:core::Evaluate", "id": 24, "inputs": { "expression": { "accessors": [ "result" ], "annotations": [ { "count": 6, "index": 7, "kind": "idref" } ], "code": "typeof (result)", "source": "typeof(result)" } }, "name": "evaluate2", "position": "-30,220", "title": "Evaluate Expression", "transitions": [ { "id": 30, "inputs": {}, "position": "90,280 90,330", "target": { "id": 29 } } ] }, { "action": "gcx:wf:core::Log", "id": 29, "inputs": { "message": { "accessors": [ "$getSettings" ], "annotations": [ { "count": 12, "index": 0, "kind": "idref" } ], "code": "$getSettings.result", "source": "$getSettings.result" } }, "position": "-30,330", "title": "Log", "transitions": [ { "id": 31, "inputs": {}, "position": "90,360 90,400", "target": { "id": 19 } } ] }, { "action": "gcx:wf:core::Evaluate", "id": 34, "inputs": { "expression": { "accessors": [ "$getSettings" ], "annotations": [ { "count": 12, "index": 0, "kind": "idref" } ], "code": "$getSettings.result.PhotoResize = 2", "source": "$getSettings.result.PhotoResize=2" } }, "name": "evaluate3", "position": "-30,480", "title": "Evaluate Expression", "transitions": [ { "id": 36, "position": "90,540 90,570", "sourceConnector": "bottom", "target": { "id": 8 }, "targetConnector": "top" } ] } ] } ], "deploymentConfig": { "supportedApps": { "VSM": true } }, "designerVersion": "5.42.0+49", "licenseInfo": { "licenseeId": "88cb61d6-af47-9b3e-5181-ed674c4c0815" }, "start": { "id": 3 } }
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