How do you deploy a Report DataSource, or *do* you deploy it at all?
I'm trying to deploy reports across environments where the DataSource service URL subdomains are different across environments, e.g. in dev a URL is “” but in UAT its “”. These reports are consumed in a VS Web viewer, can I get the DataSource URLs to update across environments as well using Environment Values? Or do I need to manually migrate reports and repoint their datasources?
If the latter, I could use a json data package instead of data sources and not worry about the issue anymore since most of these reports are generated by Workflows. I imagine that doing so is at the very least not optimized, so I'd bet that large reports might encounter issues if I were to try this… anyone else gone down that route? I'm toying with the idea since I already have some reports making an ugly json input to help control the reports using WF instead of writing code in the reports natively.
Jan-Jaap van Raffe
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VertiGIS Studio Web (VSW) Designer's deployment stages and configured environment values primarily affect the contents of the Web app and Workflow JSON. This includes workflows used to generate reports. VSW Designer searches and replaces only the JSON content of the app, web maps, web scenes, and workflows. However, it's important to note that while VSW Designer deployment creates separate copies of report templates for different environments, the specific contents within reports are not automatically updated by environment values. This is because report templates are stored as .NET-referenceable data rather than JSON.
To address your specific scenario, you should use a JSON data source for your reports. Here's a recommended approach:
- Configure your workflow to provide a runtime input for the report.
- Design your report to accept a parameter for the JSON data source.
- Ensure this JSON data source differs at runtime based on the deployment stage.
- Maintain consistent field names across your different service deployments to allow for uniform referencing within the report.
In VSW Designer, set up environment variables for each stage:
- Development: ""
- Test (UAT): ""
- Production: ""
These environment variables will be respected in the workflow that assembles the JSON and runs the report. This approach allows you to dynamically adjust the data source URL based on the environment without manually migrating reports or repointing data sources for each deployment.
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Thanks Gareth! I figured this was the case for deployment, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
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