Inject CSS for Experience Builder App
Hello, I have various workflows that I have used the Inject_CSS widget within workflow to modify the appearence of an elmentn on my forms within Web App Builder. Now that we are transiitioning to Experience Builder - these CSS modifications don't seem to be working the same. Specifically, I am trying to modify the # of columns (column-count) of items in a Check Group item or a Radio Group item using this code, where my item is named “checkStatus”:
div.CheckGroup.gcx-forms-checkStatus div.items
{column-count:2; font-size: 14px;}
Does anyone know how to do this and have it working in Experience Builder Dev Edition? So far I haven't been able to figure it out. Thanks
also, the font-size: 14px within the inject CSS does seem to get implemented - so I assume my syntax for the column-count is incorrect in the Experience Builder environment?
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To debug CSS issues, I usually open the browser's developer tools by right clicking on whatever element I am working on, and the selecting Inspect.
You can then see which rules are applied, and if the structure of the HTML is still the same.
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