WF5 & VGS web - showresult displaying but workflow stops - with no errors displayed
Hello, I have a wf5 process, running in VGS web, that loops over some user defined points, and ‘identifies’ height values from an images service, displays the response in a graph and also lists the results in a ‘results’ list.
I have it all working apart from what i thought would be a simple ‘showresults’ activity.
I'm passing in a vertigis feature set, created from the command results.from-graphics (to convert the esri format to VGS format). this displays well in the chart.
When i pass this to the ‘show results’ activity, the data appears in the result list, but the workflow stops running. In the verbose console response, I see the input -→ gcx:wf:arcgis::SelectFeatures command (which I think is ‘showresults’?), but not the output, line, suggesting the process has crashed, but is not reporting anything in console.
any activity after the showresults activity, such as a simple ‘hello world’ log, doesn't run. If I bypass the show results, the rest of my workflow runs, but obviously the results don't display.
I get the same behaviour if i use the ‘run command’ activity with the results.display command.
what am i doing wrong?! or does anybody have any tips on where i might look for more info to debug the issue?
SelectFeatures = Show Results
How is you Show Results activity configured?
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Hi Nico, Thanks for the response.
I'm passing in the vertigis featureset result of the ‘results.from-graphics’ command that successfully populates the chart.
I'm wondering if i need to set anything else, or refer to a particular feature set? although the data is created in the workflow from a bunch of 'identify operations against an image service. i.e. it isn't a direct ‘query’ against a feature/map service.
If i try and set other options in the show result, like the ‘combine mode’ then i get the ‘The input is not compatible with workflow deployment config’ - which i think is a bit odd? (workflow deployment is set to ‘VertiGIS Studio Web’ only)
when the workflow is run then the ‘select features/show results’ runs, but i don't get the output response from the activity, and no further activities run.
- yet I see data in the map interface….
Any ideas on how i might further debug this? (No calls are being made to external services - according to the network tab.)
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Hello - quick update - my issue seems to be linked to the ‘display form’ activity. which is pretty fundamental to many things?!
with display form in my workflow…
any interaction with the results components in VGS web causes the workflow to stop running.Without display form in…
all the results commands/activities run fine.
I can't see a way to attach my demo workflow as a file to this post - so here's the workflow JSON….
{"_properties":{"isServerWorkflow":false},"components":[{"id":2,"steps":[{"id":3,"inputs":{},"position":"790,-160","purpose":"start","title":"Start","transitions":[{"id":367,"position":"880,-100 880,180 1090,180 1090,200","sourceConnector":"bottom","target":{"id":362},"targetConnector":"top"}]},{"action":"gcx:wf:arcgis::SelectFeatures","id":9,"inputs":{"featureSetDisplayName":"test","features":{"accessors":["$featureSet1"],"annotations":[{"count":12,"index":0,"kind":"idref"}],"code":"$featureSet1.featureSet","source":"$featureSet1.featureSet"}},"position":"740,790","title":"Show Results","transitions":[{"id":12,"position":"860,820 860,940","sourceConnector":"bottom","target":{"id":11},"targetConnector":"top"}]},{"action":"gcx:wf:core::Log","id":11,"inputs":{"level":"log","message":"hello world"},"position":"740,940","title":"Log"},{"action":"gcx:wf:arcgis::FeatureSetFromJson","id":16,"inputs":{"json":{"accessors":[],"annotations":[],"code":"{\n \"displayFieldName\": \"distance\",\n \"symbol\": {\n \"type\": \"esriSMS\",\n \"style\": \"esriSMSSquare\",\n \"color\": [76, 115, 0, 255],\n \"size\": 8\n },\n \"features\": [\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"distance\": \"0.00\",\n \"elevation\": 125.497\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"x\": 354641.805810629,\n \"y\": 342964.59566718\n }\n },\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"distance\": \"1634.15\",\n \"elevation\": 114.901\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"x\": 356275.82806614,\n \"y\": 342944.422552914\n }\n },\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"distance\": \"3268.29\",\n \"elevation\": 86.8202\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"x\": 357909.850321651,\n \"y\": 342924.249438649\n }\n }\n ],\n \"fields\": [\n {\n \"alias\": \"Distance\",\n \"length\": \"10\",\n \"name\": \"distance\",\n \"type\": \"esriFieldTypeString\"\n },\n {\n \"alias\": \"Elevation\",\n \"length\": \"10\",\n \"name\": \"elevation\",\n \"type\": \"esriFieldTypeDouble\"\n }\n ],\n \"geometryType\": \"esriGeometryPoint\",\n \"spatialReference\": {\n \"latestWkid\": 27700,\n \"wkid\": 27700\n }\n}","source":"{\n \"displayFieldName\": \"distance\",\n \"symbol\":{\n \"type\": \"esriSMS\",\n \"style\": \"esriSMSSquare\",\n \"color\": [76,115,0,255],\n \"size\": 8\n },\n \"features\": [\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"distance\": \"0.00\",\n \"elevation\": 125.497\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"x\": 354641.805810629,\n \"y\": 342964.59566718\n }\n\n },\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"distance\": \"1634.15\",\n \"elevation\": 114.901\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"x\": 356275.82806614,\n \"y\": 342944.422552914\n }\n\n },\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"distance\": \"3268.29\",\n \"elevation\": 86.8202\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"x\": 357909.850321651,\n \"y\": 342924.249438649\n }\n }\n ],\n \"fields\": [\n {\n \"alias\": \"Distance\",\n \"length\": \"10\",\n \"name\": \"distance\",\n \"type\": \"esriFieldTypeString\"\n },\n {\n \"alias\": \"Elevation\",\n \"length\": \"10\",\n \"name\": \"elevation\",\n \"type\": \"esriFieldTypeDouble\"\n }\n ],\n \"geometryType\": \"esriGeometryPoint\",\n \"spatialReference\": {\n \"latestWkid\": 27700,\n \"wkid\": 27700\n }\n}"}},"name":"featureSet1","position":"740,500","title":"Get Feature Set From JSON","transitions":[{"id":359,"position":"860,560 860,660","sourceConnector":"bottom","target":{"id":356},"targetConnector":"top"}]},{"action":"gcx:wf:app::RunCommand","id":356,"inputs":{"commandName":"results.activate-display-components"},"position":"740,660","title":"activate results list","transitions":[{"id":358,"position":"860,690 860,790","sourceConnector":"bottom","target":{"id":9},"targetConnector":"top"}]},{"action":"gcx:wf:core::Annotation","description":"If you run this workflow through the very simple display form activity then the show results activity and the 'activate results command' stop working, and therefore the 'hello world' log is not displayed.\n\ndata is displayed in the result list, and result-details component, but the workflow stops.\n\nif you route past the display window, the the results form runs all the way through.\n\nNick Richardson 26/06/2024","id":361,"inputs":{},"position":"470,100","title":"Notes"},{"action":"gcx:wf:forms:form:DisplayForm","id":362,"inputs":{"form":{"accessors":[],"code":"resources.forms[]","values":{"id":363}}},"name":"form1","position":"970,200","title":"Display Form","transitions":[{"id":365,"position":"1090,320 1090,480 860,480 860,500","sourceConnector":"bottom","target":{"id":16},"targetConnector":"top"}]},{"action":"gcx:wf:core::Annotation","description":"Create a simple vertigis web map with a results-list component.\n\nlink the workflow to the 'i want to ..' component, with no input arguments.","id":368,"inputs":{},"position":"480,-310","title":"SET UP"}]}],"deploymentConfig":{"supportedApps":{"VSW":true}},"designerVersion":"5.39.1+3","forms":[{"defaults":{},"elements":{"footer":{"enabled":true,"items":{"0":{"default":true,"index":0,"label":{"markdown":"Submit"},"validates":true,"value":"submit"},"1":{"index":1,"label":{"markdown":"Cancel"},"validates":false,"value":"cancel"}},"section":"footer","type":"ButtonBar"},"header":{"section":"header","title":{"markdown":"Enter Some text"},"type":"Header"},"text1":{"description":{"markdown":"Text"},"enabled":true,"index":0,"rowIndex":0,"rowNumber":0,"type":"Text"}},"id":363}],"licenseInfo":{"licenseUrl":"https://replace_with_your_server_name/vertigisstudio/workflow/service/auth/license"},"start":{"id":3}}
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we've updated our runtimes, and we're still getting the same issue across various devices, browsers and OS's. (up to win 10).
hoping to raise a support ticket with vertigis today
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