Assignment of ducts within a trench to individual port on manhole wall
Currently we use a data model in which we create a "trench" towards or inbetween manholes. In this trench the individual cable ducts are inserted/positioned.
The ducts present in a trench, we would like to assign to individual areas/ports on the respective wall of the manhole.
For the moment ConnectMaster does not allow this.
We can assign the trench to one particular area/port on the wall of the Manhole, but the individual ducts in this trench we cannot.
For a Duct A and Duct B part located in the same trench, it is not possible to link Duct A to port1 and Duct B to port 2 of the (same) wall on the handhole, as it is the case in real life.
Ideally we would be able to assign the trench to a wall (North/South/East or West) and the ducts within this trench to an area/ports on the respective wall of the manhole.
In our current model design, we'll always have a trench component, Path Underground, to, in-between and from manholes.
To this "Path Undergrond" we'd also hook up the geometric details, from which the ducts would inherit these details.
Also described in support request id #88094
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