Import Deployment Environment variables from viewer to viewer
PlaneratCurrently when deploying multiple viewers across or within an ArcGIS Portal you need to set up all the environment variables again. This partly can be solved by creating a template with most of standard deployment variables set up.
However, when an organisation starts using VG Web the list of deployment variables is in the beginning very short and growing over time. It would be nice if there would be an option to Import environment variables from another app (with an option to ADD them or OVERWRITE them).
The use case for this is that, when permissions are set on groups, pop-ups are taken directly from webservices and the deployment is across different Portals
1) You need to include all Groupid's in the environment variables to make sure the permissions are also applied in the other environment (another idea would to add a comment section so you can describe what you're replacing there!)
2) You need to replace all item id's of the service used in the webmap in order to use the pop-up configured in ArcGIS Pro. (only when no pop-ups configured in the webmap the pop-up of the service directly is used. In order to achieve this the webmap uses the item id of the original service. When the id's are not adjusted you won't see the pop-up in the other environment.)
Another approach would be to have a general location for environment variables that are applied for all deployments - such as all groupid's, serviceid and DNS changes.
In addition an Import Configuration would be nice when changing the Deployment Strategy, so you don't have to fill in all modules services, app-id and Portal url again.
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