Query a Table
I use this kind of workflow to query a feature layer to get a specific feature and edit it. I need to do the same thing to a related record of the feature in a table of inspections.
If I use the “Query Layer” object, it gives me an error when I put in the inspection table as the source. But I can't find a “Query Table” object. What is the proper way to do this?

Let me add some context here too. Maybe I don't need to query the table at all.
So what is happening is, the user is selecting one of the related inspections. What I am trying to have happen is that they click on the “Complete Work” button/workflow and then the attribute WORKCOMPLETEDDATE (in the inspection record) gets updated with the current date….and the INSP_STATUS field on the feature gets updated to show up as ‘green’ on the map.
With the inspection attributes already showing on the form, do I still need to do a “Query Table” to get to them??
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If you do need to query the table or write to the table. You can use the “Get Table” Activity and then pass through the “=$getTable.Table” (or whatever the ID is) to the Layer Input Argument in the Query Layer activity or the Add/Update Feature activities.
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