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Display list of geocoding candidates and let the user choose from


8 kommentarer

  • Alex St. John

    How are you converting the esri.AddressCandidate list into an esri.FeatureSet (or esri.Graphic List)?


  • Bledar Birbo

    I tried both but did not get results. 

    The Show Results Activity is showing 2 empty results on the form but with no title , no attributes and no graphics on the map

  • Alex St. John

    Which activities are you using to do that conversion and create the geometry and attributes of the feature set?
    Like activities: Parse JSON, Get Geometry From JSON, etc.?

    Check out the Geocode template, specifically the Try subworkflow, in Workflow designer and that should hopefully have an answer:

  • Bledar Birbo

    I based my workflow on the Geocode template, however that does pick only the first geocode result and it does not use the (Show Results Activity).

    I have taken the activities from the template modified slightly and I am iterating through the geocoding candidates however that does not solve the problem.

    I was hopping someone from VertiGIS would post a sample workflow for our issue.

  • Amanda Frech

    Bledar Birbo I took a try at modifying the Geocode template workflow to show all candidates in the results list.  I also added some considerations to handle spatial reference mismatches.

    In workflow designer, use “File” > "Open by URL" to open a copy from https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=5bbaf9f061054d27b57aa9bad0ed4270

    It should work as-is, but you'll need to test it from Web rather than the workflow sandbox, since the sandbox doesn't have a results list component

  • Carmen Durham

    Thank you, Amanda, this was exactly what I needed!

  • Michael Schmitt

    This Example should be used in VSWF Workflows Sample Site


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