Display list of geocoding candidates and let the user choose from
We need to display a list of all the candidates from a custom geocoding service in the same way that the default vertigis studio web search geocoding does.
We tried to use the (Show Results Activity) Workflow Help (vertigisstudio.com)
but we cannot get the workflow to display the point candidates on the map nor the candidate attributes.
Anyone has any idea how to implement this ?
How are you converting the esri.AddressCandidate list into an esri.FeatureSet (or esri.Graphic List)?
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I tried both but did not get results.
The Show Results Activity is showing 2 empty results on the form but with no title , no attributes and no graphics on the map
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Which activities are you using to do that conversion and create the geometry and attributes of the feature set?
Like activities: Parse JSON, Get Geometry From JSON, etc.?Check out the Geocode template, specifically the Try subworkflow, in Workflow designer and that should hopefully have an answer:
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I based my workflow on the Geocode template, however that does pick only the first geocode result and it does not use the (Show Results Activity).
I have taken the activities from the template modified slightly and I am iterating through the geocoding candidates however that does not solve the problem.
I was hopping someone from VertiGIS would post a sample workflow for our issue.
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Bledar Birbo I took a try at modifying the Geocode template workflow to show all candidates in the results list. I also added some considerations to handle spatial reference mismatches.
In workflow designer, use “File” > "Open by URL" to open a copy from https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=5bbaf9f061054d27b57aa9bad0ed4270
It should work as-is, but you'll need to test it from Web rather than the workflow sandbox, since the sandbox doesn't have a results list component
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Thank you, Amanda, this was exactly what I needed!
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This Example should be used in VSWF Workflows Sample Site
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For the VSWF Workflows Sample Site, see https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/articles/11461058301586-VSWF-Workflows-Sample-Site
Current Geocode sample there https://latitudegeo.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=02f1ec5141e34c06935759a1de1b1702
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