Block access to the "Export to Google Earth" tool. (7732)
This is a Product Idea from a NETCON client:
Customer: Unifique (7732)
Feature Request Summary: GEO/ Workspace/AdminTool / Expanded User Rights
Functional Area / Module: GEO/ Workspace/AdminTool / Expanded User Rights
Description/Use Cases:
Users with low permissions, like view-only users, are able to use the network export tool, which poses a risk due to the sensitive information that can be extracted via a KMZ file. The suggestion is to block the "Export to Google Earth" tool through the AdminTool / Expanded User Rights feature. This would enhance security by restricting access to this functionality based on user permissions.
Business impact of limitation or missing of the feature:Information security is impacted.
Other necessary information or resources:
Add tool control in GEO in the AdminTool:
Remove permission in GEO:
Best regards.
We have a similar idea from our customer in Indonesia (Moratel), to add an option for user rights on export data from GEO and tabular data.
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Upvote as well.
- But I actually would like the inverse of this request as well.
- Tool to IMPORT kmz/kml directly. Realize this would be complex, and involve the 3rd party application MapXtreme/MapInfo… but most input organizational users plot out via Google Earth Corporate or Publicly licensed tool, and share data for our Organization's consumption to compare with ConnectMaster.
- So, to avoid unnecessary conversions from KML/KMZ > SHP, or to TAB… then add layer in GEO (wasted cycles)… user could simply (and temporarily) slap polylines/shapes (with or without styling or attribute data) onto Cosmetic/Marker Layers for reference, and dump it when complete… or duplicate needed GIS portions to ConnectMaster Oracle DB layer for permanent integration.
- Many Contract construction vendors we use “red-line” or As-Built field construction with kmz/kml files rather than ESRI SHP/other… simply because ease of use.
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