EDP users with swedish language
Hello, would it be possible for us, as EDP product users, to get our own community subejct to discuss program features, perhaps named: 'EDP users community'?
Using swedish language, where you as product owner dont need to answer, just for users.
Insted of using 'General Discussion'.
Kind regards
Dennie Lyckdal
Hi Dennie Lyckdal
I have been wondering the same.
I see we have several Topic areas called "Önskemål - EDP x" (like https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/10226222484370-%C3%96nskem%C3%A5l-EDP-Future)
I don't speak Swedish, and Google Translate tells me translates to "Wishes" so I assume are akin to the Ideas topics we have for other product lines. I don't see a 'General Discussion' type area for EDP centric use though based on that can see the need.
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