Ability to search Ideas section
I can't search the ideas section to see if my idea has already been posted. I know I've posted about this before but of course, I cannot find it.
Please enable the ability to search within the Ideas section
Hey Lauren
There is a way to do this, though it isn't super clear through the Zendesk-based interface.
If you drill down on the left side of the search through Source > VertiGIS Support > Community > Ideas - VertiGIS Studio Web, you get filtered results for exactly what you're looking for.
For example, searching 'drawing' in the Ideas - VSW area:
That URL looks like this: https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/search?query=drawing&source=360000472639&topic=11497311339794&type=community&utf8=%E2%9C%93As an aside, to save me time from having to click through that all the time, I've configured some custom search engines in my own Microsoft Edge to give me quick access to search. I gave myself a vsideas keyword I can throw in the URL bar to search to that scope quickly, like this:
Which takes me to the same search filter:
I configured this in Edge (at edge://settings/searchEngines) like so:
The specific URL I used for that is https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/search?query=%s&source=360000472639&topic=11497311339794&type=community&utf8=%E2%9C%93
You could take this approach to other community areas as well. Hopefully this helps!1 -
That's perfect, thanks very much Gareth! I have been struggling with this site so that's really helpful.
The ability to sort by age, comments, likes etc would make a huge difference too but I've definitely put that as a separate idea in the past too!
1 -
Glad to help, Lauren MacLean! I would agree that sorting/filtering options would help.
As we use Zendesk for our community, we are bound to what they offer in terms of functionality. I don't know the full scope of what we can leverage via Zendesk, though a quick google leads me to their own community where other users/customers seem to be looking for the same thing so I suspect our hands are tied.
An alternative approach I often use for our site and others is to use Google's advanced search operators. to refine a google search to a specific site, timeframe or require a specific term in the result.
For example, if you want to search for all content that mentions Drawing ideas in the past year, you could use the query "site:support.vertigis.com drawing +ideas"
Which builds a URL like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=site:support.vertigis.com+drawing+%2Bideas&sca_esv=e600f8fb9a9a9143&biw=1154&bih=1233&tbs=qdr:y&sxsrf=ACQVn0-X9qeBPGUNOFmYG-dbJjwljS50Bg:1709323252249&ei=9DPiZbfiDuaB0PEP2b6L4Aw&ved=0ahUKEwi3rIaq7dOEAxXmADQIHVnfAswQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=site:support.vertigis.com+drawing+%2Bideas&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKHNpdGU6c3VwcG9ydC52ZXJ0aWdpcy5jb20gZHJhd2luZyAraWRlYXNI08ABUM2vAVjzvgFwBHgAkAEAmAE-oAHuBaoBAjE0uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIAoAIAmAMAiAYBkgcA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp0
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