Single Feature Attachment - Reporting
Is there an option to utilize the Single Feature Attachment control in Reporting in a way that pulls the image based on an attribute (name, id, etc) instead of the image number?
The idea would be to have an image on each feature that has an attachment labeled something like "ReportImage.jpg" that we can pull into the report every time it is ran.
The issue with the image number selection is that we already have several images attached to each of our thousands of features and would like to not be forced to rearrange each of them to have it select image 1 or something along those lines.
You can use the Filter property of the Feature Attachment controls to do this. The filter supports a comma-separated list of case-insensitive terms to match with the name and keywords fields of the attachment.
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As a followup, is it possible to use logical operators to invert the filter, e.g. to exclude any attachment named image*?
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