Has anyone else noticed broken links across the website?
When searching for Community posts I find that a lot of links are broken and will redirect you to the homepage: https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/community/topics.
This behaviour is also noticed when navigating to Community posts from a Google Search
Officiell kommentar
Hi there,
Nico is correct. All content should now be available under the site support.vertigis.com. I moved articles and discussion topics last year. When I did that, I configured a redirect for the articles (there's about 150) but not for discussion topics (there are about 12,000 of those).
So when you click on a link to a discussion topic that's for community.vertigis.com, it will redirect you to https://support.vertigis.com/hc/en-us/community/topics
We are also trying to remove the results from a Google search, which does not seem to notice the redirect, so that Google searches will only find pages in support.vertigis.com.
For now, the best approach is to search for a topic / post using the search box in this site. I don't know when we'll be able to patch up the old content, there are thousands of threads and replies!
I guess this are links from old posts migrated from community.vertigis.com or support.geocortex.com.
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