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How to show pop-up window


9 kommentarer

  • Cam Carmichael

    Hi Brian

    In Mobile it isn't possible to show the pop-up as a visual item popped onto the map. Instead we use the popup definition to populate our Feature Details panel when you do an identify - respecting field visibility, aliases and order.

  • Brian Bulla

    Hi Cam,

    Ok, I thought I figured this out, but still not working.  So I've added a Map Clicked event to the Map, and used the Identify Details command, but still nothing happens when I click on a feature.

    Is there something else I need to set??

  • Cam Carmichael

    Hi Brian

    Identify is a default action that is configured on the layer extension. Configuration is simply turning it on and off for different layers via this control:

    Alternatively, you can 'drill in' on a specific layer extension and flip the switch here:

    When Identify is 'on', tapping any feature on the map will do an Identify and pop the feature's attributes up in a panel.


  • Brian Bulla

    Yes, I have that set already like this, but when I tap on the manhole, nothing happens.

    And drilling down, the "Identify" switch is also turned on.

  • Cam Carmichael

    Ah - sorry - I didn't read back up to the top to refresh myself on this issue. 

    When you click on a feature there is a command chain that fires which:

    • finds all the features that intersect the place you clicked
    • pulses all those features on the map
    • tells the "results list" component to display them. From there a user can click any feature to then display its attributes in the Results Details component. If there is only one feature - then rather than display a list with 1 feature - we bypass the results list and display the Results Details component showing the attributes. If there is no Results Details component - then there will be no place to show the attributes.

    Is it possible at this point in your app that you have removed the Results Details component?

  • Brian Bulla

    Thanks Cam.  So messing with this a bit more, it seems like it's now working on my laptop in the Windows app, but NOT working on my iOS device (iPhone).  

    Maybe it's a firewall issue now??  Not really sure what is going on.  On my iOS if I tap a manhole it appears to get identified (ie. a blue 'flash' happens).  If I wait long enough I get a huge error message with some sort of NSURLErrorDomainCode=-1001.....the request timed out.

    So I think it is working, but not totally sure what is happening.


  • Brian Bulla

    OK, so after a bit more testing it does NOT seem to be a Firewall issue.  I can get it to work from both sides of the Firewall using the Windows app.

    I can also get it to work using the iPad app....it is only on my iPhone 14 that I cannot get this to work.  Are there are known issues with iPhone that could be preventing this from working??

  • Cam Carmichael

    Hi Brian

    No - iPhone 14 is a fully supported device (it is the device I carry and use for most of my testing).

    If you build a new app - from our "Mobile Default" template - providing your own web map - does that work on the iPhone?

    As you no doubt know, the configuration for phone apps (apps which are 'taller than they are wide') is done separately from Desktop/Tablet (wider than tall) apps.

    I'm wondering if it is possible that your phone layout is different (with regards to search and results) than your desktop/tablet layout? If the 'mobile default' test worked on Phone - this would be the place to look.


  • Brian Bulla

    Interesting....yes, using the "mobile default" template things work.  So what is it about the "minimal template" that prevents it from working, or what needs to be modified to get it to work??



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