Export of Action Logs
One of our clients has requested the ability to periodically export user activity logs (History Module) to external system .
FORMAT = CSV, Automated / scheduled export
An Automated report is ideal but if it going to take time, the client is asking if we can have an on demand manual trigger?
The client is looking for an extract of logs that capture the user activity / actions (In addition to the History Module Network Change Logs), the below recording of date and time stamps has been requested to be exportable:
- Merging of projects
- Creation of quotes
- Creation, updating and deleting of projects
- Approval of a project from one step to another as per the following steps
- Design to design review
- Design review to to manager review
- Manager review to implementation
- Implementation to as-built
- As-built to acceptance
- Acceptance to reports
- Reports to close
The request also asks for any changes in the library to be recorded (user / change / date and time stamp), for example modifying, deleting or adding an attribute.
The client further asks: Please advise if we can schedule this action history export so that they can be shipped to a central log server.
Mark Kindler
These items are under consideration for inclusion in the roadmap but not likely before 2025
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