Location of GPS point on the map
BesvaratIn Mobile, when clicking on the Geolocate button, the GPS location is always shown centered on the map. Is there a way to put the GPS location more towards the bottom? I noticed a 'Navigation' option in the ArcGIS runtime documentation, and was wondering if I can use that in some way.
Hi Berend,
We support the following operations:
"geolocation.auto-recenter" => LocationDisplayAutoPanMode.Recenter
"geolocation.auto-recenter-and-reorient" => LocationDisplayAutoPanMode.CompassNavigationIt does sound like LocationDisplayAutoPanMode.Navigation would do what you want. There aren't any existing operations to enable LocationDisplayAutoPanMode.Navigation. However, if you're using the Mobile SDK, you should simply be able to do a move like this:
mapView.LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode = LocationDisplayAutoPanMode.Navigation;Jeff
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