Mobile layer list read-only layers only bulk toggling?
SlutförtI put together a web map containing one feature layer (Operational) and four map image layers (Display).
In the Go app, I see the chevron symbol to toggle the Display Layers separately, but there are no layers listed.
Strangely, for testing purposes, I created a fresh Mobile app, reference the same web map, but then the Chevron is gone.
Users need to be able to toggle the Display layers separately. Are one of these screenshots more correct than the other? Am I missing something?
Reference: Mobile configuration of Map
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your question. Neither of those two screenshots look to be quite what I'd expect. The chevron to expand the group yes, but there should be layers contained underneath it. That said, we've previously identified map services and map image services as somewhat problematic, as indicated in our docs on supported services here:
However, we've done some work for our upcoming 5.24 release (slated for mid-June) that should resolve a lot of those issues, especially around grouped map services. If you'd like, and if you're able to temporarily share access to your service, I could do a quick internal test to see if you can expect the issue to be resolved with the release. If you'd like to go that route, you can reach out to me via email at and we can line that up.
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Email sent, thank you!
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Closing the loop on this for anyone who has experienced a similar issue. We have confirmed that our 5.24 release in June 2023 has resolved this issue. These nested services are now displaying correctly in the layer list.
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