Create Analytics for other Enterprise Systems
Ej planeratWe are very impressed and happy with the functionality that Analytics is giving us into our ArcGIS Enterprise systems.
Also like what we can get just for other Windows Servers via WMI.
Would love to have similar system statistics for our Maximo system!
I know that's a whole other direction but that's a market with big price tags.
Ditto for SAP and other ERP systems, but do Maximo first please.
Also like what we can get just for other Windows Servers via WMI.
Would love to have similar system statistics for our Maximo system!
I know that's a whole other direction but that's a market with big price tags.
Ditto for SAP and other ERP systems, but do Maximo first please.
We're focused on GIS systems at present. Maybe some day! 0
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