Combine 2 Query Layer activities together
Is there a way to combine 2 Query Layer Activities into 1 feature?
The reason why is that the mapservice only returns 1000 records and the Dropdown shows only the first 1000 unique values. I made an second Query LAyer activity which feteches the other unique values but I can't make up how to combine these 2 queries into one so the dropdowlist is complete.
Hi Erek,
I was able to combine two queries from the same service using the Add Items activity with
Collection: =$query1.features
Items To Add: =$query2.features
Then from there, I used Get Form Element Items From Features on $query1.features, and then Set Form Element Items.
The Set Form Element Items activity does have a "Reset" property, but the behaviour doesn't quite work the way we would need it to for this use case. I'll see if we can find out whether or not its working as intended.
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