Search for service request
Start to use the sample-Search for Service Request. I need search for PRINT_KEY field in my parcel layer. I change the dropdown list to a Testbox1 to input the PRINT_KEY. In the Query layer I changed the Url to point to my map service and the layer, and in Where I input as following:
=PRINT_KEY LIKE $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value
?But it gives me a syntax error. Could some one tells me what is wrong with my input?
Hi Zhujing,
In order to use an input with a literal string and an expression, you'll need to change the input value to:
="PRINT_KEY LIKE " + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value
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It worked for the syntax. But when I run in my web app builder application, it would not zoom into the result parcel. Do I need to set up in the Select Features in order to zoom in and highlight the finding result parcel? 0 -
That's good. In order to zoom to the results, you'd want to use a Set Map Extent activity with a =$query1.results input for the Features field.
Note that using the Show Results, which was previously named Select Features, will select the results but will not change the zoom level.
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I think I still have problem on the Show Results activity. For the ID, do I have to input the ID, after I write in the ID it just disappear. Do I need to input the FeatureSetID, Map Service ID? How to find the the FatureSetID and Map Service ID? Thanks. 0 -
Hi Zhujing,
Select Features (Show Results) from the sample should be ready to work without any new configuration. Map Service Id is only used for Geocortex Essentials viewers, to have the results use a premade label and description if you already customized them for that layer in your site.
If your query finds results, it should display them like this in the Web AppBuilder application:
Are there no results displayed at all, or is there some information displayed but problems with highlighting/zooming?
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No. It did not display the result on map. 0 -
Hi Zhujing,
If no result records are being shown in the table but no errors pop up either, the most likely answer is that the query found no results. An easy way to test how many results came back is to add an Alert activity with
Text: =$query1.features.length.toString()
Then when you run the workflow, a popup will appear with the number of features the query found. If it's 0, then we can try to figure out what needs to be changed in the query.
If you see records in the table, but no features are highlighted on the map, then you would want to check the Query Layer activity and set the Output Spatial Reference to match your basemap's wkid. Eg.
Output Spatial Reference: =102100
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Amanda, You are right , there is no result returned, I wondering is that because in the Query Layer activity for the Url of the layer I used as following, this is the image layer from ArcGIS online which has the stored credentials, and the map service is came from my arcgis server. For the Where I used following as the input. ="PRINT_KEY LIKE " + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value Thanks 0 -
Hi Zhujing,
Just an FYI, I responded to your question in the other thread you created.
Thanks, Stefan
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