Show Buffer dynamicly when changing number slider
I present the user a preview of the buffer, when the user changes the numberslider. The only drawback (I use the change event) is that when I use the slider the change event hits almost instantly. When I manual type the buffer size or don't use the sliderbutton(less accurate) it works like i want to
Is there any way to fool the changevent when I use de Sliderbutton?
Hi Erik,
I think I understand what you're saying but please correct me if I have it wrong: when you drag the slider, the moment it is moved, the change event is immediately fired. At this point, the form elements are all disabled and the subworkflow starts and runs to completion. This is the expected behaviour, but I understand how it would not be ideal for some use cases. In this case, it would lead to typing the number or clicking the slider track (rather than clicking and dragging the slider) being a better user experience. When dragging, the user gets stuck with their slider movement disabled while they are waiting ~1-2 seconds for the subworkflow to complete.
I don't know any workarounds for this, but this sounds like it would be a really good request to post to the Ideas section. You could suggest that we provide an option to only run the change event's subworkflow once the slider is released (instead of while it is being dragged). Or that we don't disable the slider while the subworkflow is running.
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Hi Amanda,
You understand exactly what I meant. I put it as request to the Ideas section.
Thank you for your response.
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