Display Create Point result as graphic
I am making a workflow which is supposed to make a point with given X,Y and Spatial Reference and project it on the map.
I am using Create Point and Add Graphics Layer Features activities. apparently it is making the point (I confirm it with getting a json format of the point) but cannot show it as a graphic on the map.
Does anybody has a sample workflow or suggestion how to make it work?
I tried to run Latitude sample workflow (https://latitudegeo.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=7e467f4712884479a03f50f5ce8a837d) and its the same, the point is prompted in json but I cant see anything on the map.
Thanks in advance for considerations.
Hi Adrian,
if the user is specifying the spatial reference, they could be inputting points that are in a different projection than the viewer/app. You'll probably want to include a Project Geometry activity to convert the created point to the viewer/app's spatial reference (ie, 102100 if your basemap is in Web Mercator).
It sounds like you might also be missing these two steps, which would go before Add Graphics Layer Features:
- Get Symbol From JSON
- Create Feature
As it is, your workflow might be adding a point to the map that doesn't have any symbol information. We can use these two activities to create a point symbol, and then combine the geometry and symbol together into a feature to use in the Add Graphics Layer Features activity.
If you're not familiar with JSON symbols/renderers, here's one that will work for points:
={ "color": [255,255,255,64], "size": 12, "angle": -30, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "outline": { "color": [0,0,0,255], "width": 1, "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid" } }
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Hi Amanda,
thanks for the super fast reply :).
I played a little bit with spatial references and could get any results so I changed my flowchart from:
create point >> add graphic layer features
create point >> symbol from json >> create feature >> add graphic layer features.
now this works fine.
Best Regards.
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