Using the Run Arcade Script Activity, how do you access the arguments object you are passing into the script, within the script?
argument: ={ x: $feature.result }
function test(param) {
return param
*params being the parameter object passed into the arcade script via the input field. The question being, how do I access this 'params' object or am I misunderstanding the technique?
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@Latgeo - Any example on how to pass objects into and out of the Run Arcada Script Activity? We do a lot of data manipulation with Workflows, in this case we are wanting to sort a Coded Domain List.
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Here's an example of the format you can use.
={ "value1": 1, "value2": 2 }
var value3 = $value1 + $value2; return value3;
When you get the value of =$arcadescript1.result, it should be 3 (1+2)
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It also seems that the parameters must be lowercase, as it does not seem to find parameters which are camelCase.
={"paramValue1":1} does not work by accessing $paramValue1,
={"paramvalue1":1} access via $paramvalue1 does work.
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OMG. Thank you @Marco Giana? This was throwing me off.
But... Why? Why must they be lowercase? It makes no sense.
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Thanks to this post I managed to get my workflow to run! I really don't understand why VertiGIS Studio Support can't/won't add simple examples like this to their help documentation. It would make such a huge difference! Please just show us what the format of the input should be!
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