Geocortex Mobile Viewer (GMV) Beta Program
Thank you for taking the time to check out the Beta version of Geocortex Mobile Viewer (GMV). Your questions, comments, ideas, and feedback are welcome, and our team will be actively watching and interacting with you here in the Community.
GMV is a platform which allows the creation of mobile offline-capable apps based on Esri web maps. For our 5.0 initial launch – we are targeting the following capabilities:
- View your ArcGIS web maps and data on mobile devices—including laptops, tablets, and phones.
- Device geolocation allows you to view your location on the map.
- Quickly search your data to find map features that you are interested in.
- Enable and disable layers as needed to view the data that matters to you.
- Respect the symbology and visibility settings from your web maps.
- Add, edit and delete the following:
- Features, feature attributes and geometries.
- Photo and non-photo attachments.
- Related records, for example, an inspection record.
- Run custom commands and workflows from your configurable I Want To menu as well as from the Feature Details display.
- Perform all the above tasks while either connected to, or disconnected from, the Internet.
To get started, we suggest you retrieve a copy of our guided exploration and interaction plan and work through the task-based guide to gain a good understanding of GMV and GMV Designer.
Geocortex Go is our ‘companion’ app for GMV – which allows you to easily view apps while you are developing. To install Geocortex Go – follow this link.
If you are a subscription licensee, we suggest working in our SaaS environment for the Beta to get up and running quickly. You can access GWV at the link below and you should be able to sign in using the same ArcGIS identity you’ve been using to access other 5-series products.
If you are a perpetual licensee (or a subscription licensee keen to try GWV on premises) you can access a Beta version of the installer in the downloads section of the community. As with all Beta versions of Geocortex software; there is no upgrade path from Beta to Release so be sure to install it in an appropriately ‘disposable’ location.
Help documentation is coming along well, and the latest version can be accessed directly from Designer or at this URL:
We’ve worked hard to provide you the best Beta experience we possibly can, but it is still work in progress so here are some important things to know:
- Applications built in this Beta version will need to be re-built when 5.0 is released; we expect a few additional changes to configuration formats between Beta and Release.
- Known issues are listed here
We look forward to your thoughts and feedback.
Cam Carmichael
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