How to expand Show Results when displayed?
When I use Show Results. The results pane populates with the results and the user must click into the results to see the list. Is there a way to auto expand the results so the list displays on load?
I've been trying with Run Command and SwitchToListResultsView. What I've noticed is that on first run it will not display the results expanded. If I close results, and run the workflow again, the results will display expanded on the 2nd run.
I've also tried with a delay between show results and the command. Every first run it does not display the results expanded. Runs after that will always show the results expanded.
This is a function of the viewer, not the workflow. You can make a change to the viewer's configuration to the older, "non-grouped" behavior by following the instructions in the Essentials Support Center article "Reverting results list view back to the non grouped view".
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That did the trick. Thank You!
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@Amanda Frech? Was this implemented in the Geocortex Essentials Manager or do you still have to edit the json?
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@Brian Bieber? reverting the results list to an "ungrouped" format still requires the manual configuration edits from Zack's link.
Our intent was to completely replace the older "ungrouped" results list format with the newer "grouped" results list back at HTML5 viewer version 2.8 in 2017. We left the ability to revert the change in the config files, but I think it's unlikely we would put an option back into Essentials Manager for it.
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@Amanda Frech? Thanks for the additional insight.
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If anyone has this same question for VSW (Web), after showing results, run the command "results.set-list-view-mode" with parameter set to "ungrouped".
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