What's the use of posting here, if no one from LG is answering? I would love to get started, but have many questions. Tried here, tried at Geocortex Support... Getting frustrated!
Hi Mike,
I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been getting responses to your previous questions. I'll see if I can help answer any of the previous ones, but let me know if you have others in this thread.
Thanks, Stefan
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Hi Stefan, thanks for answering!
I'm trying to create a fully off-line map for our Public Safety folks for use during disasters or other PG&E brown outs. I've stumbled my way a bit. I do not want to do editing, so I'm wondering why I need to set my on premise feature service to sync - I want to use layers from our production SDE. I went ahead and loaded the layers that I need data from into AGOL, but had not really wanted to do that... I'm trying to create a map for the whole of Sonoma County and have created a TPK for that, along with all the visuals I want, scale dependent. This I will pre-load onto the Toughbooks. It would be nice to be able to have more than one TPK, so I could add our higher def City aerial, but it looks like I will need create a separate site. I'm planning to create a pre-defined map area of the whole County as well. Are there size limits for any of this, besides memory on the user device?
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Hi Mike,
I believe I can answer a few of your questions:
- We currently support sideloading of TPKs and VTPKs, which can be preloaded.
- We have done a bit of testing using Toughbooks, but are still in this process before we feel confident to say that this is supported.
- We have noticed some degradation in performance with larger dataset and is correlated with the amount of available RAM. We've focused our current development cycles on improving this though.
And a few from your other previous post:
- GPS is functional.
- Accessing PDFs is also functional.
- If what you mean by having 'both the County and city aerials and shaded relief' is that you can switch between base map, this is not currently supported but is on our roadmap.
Thanks, Stefan
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There can be a single TPK and a single VTPK, or just one of them? Do all layers have to be in AGOL format, or can we use our own caching format? I'm having trouble creating a web map using one of my services as basemap - any time I add one of mine, the tab for Offline goes away. Fie PDFs, is it similar to HTML5 viewer, or do I need to set up as attachments?
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Hi Mike,
Geocortex Mobile loads using a single web map, so all of the data contained will need to be within it. In order for your data to be taken offline through map areas, you'll need to make sure that your data is hosted properly for offline use: https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/manage-data/take-maps-offline.htm
If you wanted to use multiple basemaps, you can add them directly to your web map in AGOL and they will appear as layers, which can be toggled like any other layer, which would avoid the need to sideload. If you are going the TPK route, you'll deploy the file into the LocalState folder where the app is installed, which varies depending on the platform.
Note that you can only use one TPK at a time for custom map areas (map areas created within GXM, outside of AGOL).
PDFs can be added as attachments to a feature layer, so it will need to be setup on your layer.
Thanks, Stefan
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If I'm going to side load a TPK to use as the basemap, does it really matter what I use in the web map, since this app will just be used offline?
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if you are planning on using a single TPK, then not really. Where your data is hosted will though, as mentioned in the above link.
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I've created the TPK - but can't find where on the windows device I should copy it to, so it can be found when offline...
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I found this:
Does this mean I need to copy it to every user who might use this device!?
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Hi Mike,
Yes, you would need to do this for each user that accesses Mobile on that device.
Since your dataset is very large, it might not be possible to use AGOL in order to create a large enough extent for the map area for users to access as well.
One other thing to mention, Geocortex Mobile will always load initially in an online state, then can be toggled offline.
Thanks, Stefan
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Is there another way to create a map area besides AGOL? Do some ESRI basemaps have less info and therefore allow for larger area in AGOL? I'm not seeing a folder with the AppName in Packages, unless it is the one that starts with "Geocortex.GeocortexGo_"
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I'm trying to create something that can go on the mobile computers in our public safety vehicles, which our used by multiple people, so it would be nice in the future to have a central location on the computer to sideload these TPKs.
When I tried to create a map area in AGOL using an ESRI basemap yesterday, it created 3 files. One was a TPK, and I believe another was VTPK, and don't remember the last. Do these files get loaded into the same location (minus the TPK, since I'm adding my own)?
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Map areas can be generated using Portal for ArcGIS as well and used by Mobile. I'm not sure about the relative amount of info between the different options.
This is the location where you'll need to put the TPK or VTPK: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Packages\Geocortex.GeocortexGo_crswry2rg6bhm\LocalState
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There is no way to open the map without internet connection? So they would need to open at the station and then activate a map area to go offline, and keep it open the whole time?
When you create a map area and hit download, where is it actually going? Once created, can I share/copy the map areas to other PCs?
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Currently, you will need to download the map area initially, but once downloaded and you load the app while offline, Mobile will load the map area automatically. Even if the last time you had the app open you had map areas toggled online, they will load still activated while you are online.
The map areas are downloaded to C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Packages\Geocortex.GeocortexGo_crswry2rg6bhm\LocalState\AppData\YourAppName\Offline\
Map areas should not be copied between other apps, users, or PCs.
Thanks, Stefan
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Map areas should not be copied between PCs? You are saying that I will need to load the TPK onto each Toughbook, then create and download a map area on each one? Seems like there should be an easier way...
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Yeah, it's something that is current under discussion as to how we can improve on this and what can be done from a technological side. I've spoken with the Product Manager for Mobile about your use case as well.
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It looks like this is real close, but we have 100s of mobile computers, and this would be a nightmare to set up on all... Turns out Fire all use the same login, so only need to copy the TPK once for each PC. Not sure about Police. As long as the TPK is loaded on the device, I'm able to create a County-wide map area at the resolution of the aerial. This was on a regular laptop without GPS. Now trying on the actual Toughbook to see how GPS works. Will set up the attachments next.
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Still having issues trying to get GPS to work. How do I figure out the Receiver Data Spatial Reference?
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I would like to create a layer Feature Action to open a PDF located on the Device. Is there a way to do that now?
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Hi Mike,
With regards to GPS for Toughbooks, you might find this link useful, as it requires a fair amount of configuration first. If you are planning on using GNSS support with an external receiver, this also required some complex setup depending on which hardware you are using. Designer will detect the spatial reference based on the web map that you've provided.
It is currently only possible to Open a URL within a Feature Action. You could create an Idea for this functionality under Mobile.
Thanks, Stefan
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I've been sidetracked by a fire - City was closed for a few days. Only took 167 homes this time... Thanks for the link, I'll take a look. Stephanie helped me install Designer locally, so I'll get started with that.
TPKs are becoming too large with full resolution of aerial. Is there anyway to just use a MrSID? While Fire uses a single login, Police each have their own, making it impossible to sideload the TPKs for Police. Is there any estimate on when we can sideload to a common location - preferably on a Micro SD card?
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It takes 3 clicks to go to the full map using the I want to menu. It would be nice to have just a button on the right that takes you there with one click. Likewise nice to have zoom control on right side so it is available when the Layers or Map Areas is expanded. This would be less critical if there was an option to search the full Map Area, instead of just the visible extent...
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Having an issue when I use a Map Area created from a Side Loaded TPK file - when I activate it, the extent zooms to a particular location and will not let you zoom out. I can Pan over the whole map area, but only when zoomed in. If I deactivate the Map Area (when I'm online) it goes back to the original ESRI basemap and I can zoom out (need to do for search) and then zoom to feature, but when I then turn on Map Area, it goes back to the original extent...
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In order to get the PDFs that I wanted to include, I set up the two layers with attachments. I bulk loaded the atatachments. With what I've learned so far, I decided to start over. I uploaded my new File Geodatabase with the new attachments to AGOL to create Hosted Layers. I added these to a new AGOL web map and made sure it was set up for offline use. I created a new Geocortex Mobile app and set it up. I'm creating new Map Areas now and they are working. It works well on the Toughbook, but now need to get GPS working.
Question, are the sideloaded TPKs needed to use a Map Area once created? If not, I might be able to delete both existing TPKs and then sideload my hi-res County TPK and create the new hi-res County Map Area and then delete that one as well... Currently, I'm using a lower resolution County TPK.
Based on this so far, here are my thoughts:
Very Nice interface, but would like ability to simplify by making "I want to..." menu into separate buttons on right side of screen, so user only has to click once.
Need single location on device to sideload TPK, since our Police share the laptops, but sign on individually. Even better would be the ability to create the Map Areas and then sideload them to a single location, since they are MUCH smaller than the TPKs, even though they cover the same area... This would mean that I could load this onto real mobile devices like iPads.
Need easier way to deploy - ideally, we would be able sideload everything prior to the user getting the device. All they need to do is open Go and open the single App. Once open, they can decide which of the two Map Areas they wish to open, the City or the County.
Need the ability to search the whole current map area, even if zoomed in.
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Answered my own question - yes TPK is still needed even after you create Map Area, and the reason the Map Area is so much smaller in size is because it is only including the non-basemap layers.
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Hi Mike,
I'll try to answer your questions the best I can.
- Regarding Micro SD support, this is not currently on our road map but is a good idea.
- Configuration of specific components within the user interface is planned for a future release.
- When map areas are activated, the map extent is constrained to the usable extent to help guide the user experience. We currently have an issue filed for reactivating the Map Area.
- Thanks for sharing your use case regarding a single location for sideloading TPKs on a device, we will keep this in mind.
- I'll create a feature request for the ability to search the full extent while zoomed in.
Thanks, Stefan
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Still not able to get GPS to work. Looked at the link you gave, and did what it said, and I seem to be getting a GPS signal, but when I open the map, it says no GPS. In Designer, there is a place for GNSS settings and it is asking for a receiver spatial reference, and it is filled in wth 102100 - how do I know what I should put? Also it says at the bottom that only some devices are supported - how do I find out if the Toughbook CF-33 is?
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Hi Mike,
Starting with the obvious but are location services currently enabled? The settings in Designer are specific only to when you are using an external GNSS receiver, not integrated ones. Since you are asking about Toughbooks, its more likely that you can just ignore the setting here, since GXM will use your PC's settings.
A note about the comment on device support; due to the massive number of different devices available, on top of the complexity mixing of PCs with integrated receivers, we try our best to provide support and test against a number of the more commonly-used devices. We currently are in the process of obtaining a Toughbook for testing.
Thanks, Stefan
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Location Services!? Maybe obvious to some... Turns out they disable that on these boxes... It worked, but i had to change the reciever reference to 4326 to get it correct.
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