error message "Unable to load this layer"
I recently created a geocortex mobile app, and when I open it in GO it has this error message in the layer list that "unable to load this layer"
Does anyone know what is causing this issue?
Hi Valerie,
Depending on the types of layers that are contained within your web map, they may not be currently supported by GXM. Do you have a URL to your web map so we can take a look?
Thanks, Stefan
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Hey Stefan,
So I was able to display the layer that was the original issue, but now I am experiencing another issue.
I have the exact same workflow and layer in both a viewer and mobile app. The workflow just allows user to select a feature from the layer and update attribute values (using update feature tool). The workflow is successful when ran in the viewer but fails when I run in in the mobile app.
In the mobile app, it selects the correct feature, but after the inputs are entered and submitted nothing happens. The workflow appears to have ran successfully but the feature is not actually updated from the inputs the user entered in the workflow.
This is odd because it works perfectly in the viewer (edits made by user inputs in the workflow are reflected for the feature), any thoughts where this disconnect could be happening?
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Hi Valerie,
If you are seeing this issue in GXM 5.6, this appears to be a regression that we are currently testing a fix for.
This issue appears to be specific to the mobile implementation of workflow, which is why it doesn't affect Web or GVH, if that's what you are referring to as the viewer.
Thanks, Stefan
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Hi Stefan,
Thank you for responding. I am using GXM 5.5, is there any possibility it could be that same issue in 5.6?
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Also yes I was referring to GVH as the viewer. I am using workflow 5.10 and portal is 10.7.1. Please let me know if you need me to provide any more info.
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We didn't see this issue until 5.6 but if you could provide your workflow for us to take a look at then we could confirm if this is the same issue.
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Attached is the workflow. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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Your workflow and the description you provided earlier looks to be the same issue, which we are hoping to release a 5.6.1 soon.
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Thank you for taking a look at my workflow and providing me the info, I really appreciate it.
Do you know what the release date is for 5.6.1?
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Hi Valerie,
We are hoping to release within the next week.
Thanks, Stefan
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Sounds good. Thank you again for your help.
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Hey Stefan,
I updated my mobile from 5.5 to 5.6.1 last night, but when I open the design app and look at the info it reads "Geocortex Mobile Version 5.6.0" when it should say 5.6.1. Do you know why this could be happening? I double checked and I downloaded and installed 5.6.1 successfully.... I am not sure where the disconnect is here.
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Hey Valerie,
If you are creating the app through the Mobile Designer, any generated apps will show as 5.6. The specific bug was fixed in 5.6.1 which will be loaded when you launch your app through Go or generate a custom build through the Designer. The difference in version numbers relates to which product the fix went into specifically.
Thanks, Stefan
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Hi Valerie - just wanted to say thanks for flagging this. It spawned a good conversation here in Victoria on how to represent version numbers and whether perhaps we need to show more than one version number to make this clearer. The Design experience is currently versioned independently of Mobile (execution of that configuration) and usually when we are doing a hot fix the only thing affected is Mobile itself and not the Designer for that version.
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