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4 kommentarer

  • Malcolm Walker
    • Community-Manager

    Hi Mike,


    You should be receiving notifications if you Follow the Mobile topic. You can find the Follow button by clicking any Mobile tag below a post, or by using the toplevel navigation under Geocortex Products.





    If you are already following this topic, please let me know! We've had some issues with notifications not going out (or going out twice) and have been trying to sort them all out.






  • Malcolm Walker
    • Community-Manager

    Hi Mike,


    It turns out that despite those topics being the same thing and being able to follow them - the system doesn't send out notifications when a new article is associated with the topic. I'll see if there is a different thing we can do (either enable knowledge article notifications, or also post a discussion).




  • Mike Diss-Torrance

    I just checked and I was "following" the Mobile topic, but the email setting was defined as "Never". I just changed it to "Every Post".


    I suspect that was the issue.


    I'm also following the "New version" topic and changed the setting to "Every post" as well. Would that topic cover to the other 5-series upgrades too?



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Mike,

    I recommend following the "Releases" topic. It's added to release announcements for all 5-series upgrades.


    I hope that helps!

    All the best,



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