Disable 'Add Feature' button and hide layers in layer-list in Geocortex Go?
Two questions on Geocortex Go:
- Is there a way to disable/hide the 'Add Feature' Button in Geocortex Go (I want to restrict ability to add features through a workflow)?
- Can I hide specific layers from showing up in the layer list?
Hi Arjun
- You can remove the 'Add Feature' button from the taskbar by removing it from your layout. Currently the only way to accomplish this is to download your app config, manually remove the Add Feature panel from the layout, and then upload the adjusted config back into Desgner. That all said we are on the verge of releasing our next version (5.6 - due out in the next couple of weeks) which will introduce layout editing. With layout editing you will be able to achieve this goal by simply grabbing the Add Feature panel (inside the Taskbar) and dragging it to the garbage can to delete it!
- Currently the layer list exposes all the layers from your web map. Can you let me know what the use case is that you are trying to support here?
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@Cam Carmichael? The reason I want to hide several layers is that these layers were supposed to be tables, however, there is an existing bug/issue where the 'Get Layer' activity in Workflow 5 does not work on tables in the feature service (required for taking the workflow offline) - it only works on layers. Latitude staff have logged this as a bug and I have another forum post on this issue in the workflow forum. Other people have run into the same issue as well.
As a workaround we assigned 'fake generic geometries' to all the table records and converted them into layers - the geometries had blank fill/outline so users don't see them. Users don't need to see these 'layers' in the layer list as they only interact with the the attributes of these layers through the workflow.
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@Cam Carmichael? here is a screenshot of the table 'layers' (with fake geometries) I wish to hide from the layer list.
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@Arjun Rattan? I dug a bit deeper and am happy to report that the ability to hide/show layers in the layer control will be exposed in Designer when we release 5.6 (with the aforementioned layout editing). So stay tuned!
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@Cam Carmichael? That is amazing!!! I'm super excited to test out Mobile Designer 5.6! I think with this release, Geocortex Go will be super functional for our production app - hopefully just in time for our May 2020 go-live. Appreciate all the quick support I am getting from Geocortex staff on the forums 😊
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Any update on the hide layers in layer list functionality? I don't see an option to hide specific layers in Mobile Designer (5.29). Alternatively, is it possible to hide layers in the app config?
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