Where can I get a portal session token - web viewer
Is it best practice to use the get arcgis token activity server side activity or is there some way to pull the token from the parent site?
I know with the old HTML 5 viewer there was a get site activity that contained the session token. I'm looking for something similar for web viewer.
I'm hesitant to put usernames and passwords even if it's in a server side workflow and that info is stored in the workflow data share (not in a portal item)
I'll go ahead a tack on there is broken link here: https://docs.geocortex.com/workflow/latest/help/Default.htm#wf5/help/activities/generate-arc-gis-token.htm
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Sorry to resurrect an old thread... I just came across this while looking for how to access a secured GP Service "Upload" resource last week.
To get a current Portal token in the client (i.e. without calling a Server workflow), I use a Get Portal User activity and access the .user.portal.credential.token output subproperty. And in case anyone stumbles in here wondering, I called that /upload REST task using a Web Request activity with a header
'X-Esri-Authorization': 'Bearer ' + $getUser.user.portal.credential.token
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