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Create temporary file in a server workflow


4 kommentarer

  • Patrick Fingler

    Hi Berend,

    Have you tried using the Create Download activity?  

    In regards to creating a specific temp file in a directory, the only approach I'm aware of would be to use the Write File activity and write it to a specific temp directory on the web server.


    -- Patrick

  • Berend Veldkamp

    Hi Patrick,

    I hadn't seen the Create Download activity, that could be useful.

    However, sometimes I still need to store a temporary file somewhere, for instance, in some scenarios that use Merge PDFs or Create Zip From Directory. It would help if I could get the system's 'temp directory' and go from there, rather than having to use a hardcoded directory such as C:\Data, which I would have to configure somewhere, set permissions on, making sure it exists at all times, etc.

    (I know that's not the same as what Create Temp File did, but I did use Path.GetTempPath() )


  • Ken Lyon

    Hi Berend,

    I tried using %TEMP% but sadly it treats it as a relative path based on the install location. Maybe that's something we could fix in a future release.

    In the meantime, you could determine the path for the temp path based on the app pool's identity. On my workstation, it is this:


    I was able to write to this location using the "Write File" activity.

  • Niluka Munasinghe

    Any update on this?

    How do we get the temp file path?


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