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Help document does not match VSM functionality...


7 kommentarer

  • Phil MacIntyre

    Hi Randy,

    This is Phil MacIntyre with the Mobile team. Thank you for your question.

    I'm guessing you're using the on-premises version of Mobile App Designer? If so, that would explain why the option is missing. Our on-premises software is designed to be standalone (e.g., could just install Mobile App Designer, or just install Workflow Designer), so a lot of those common linkages are absent since we can't guarantee that a given user will have them all installed in the same environment. If you have Workflow Designer also installed then any Workflows you craft there should show up in your list in Mobile App Designer.

    If instead you're using the SaaS version of Mobile App Designer, it has those links so you can get access to the various templates:

    Hope that helps,

    Phil MacIntyre

  • Randy Casey

    @... thanks for the feedback. Okay, I understand this is an on-premise vs. SaaS parity issue. My misunderstanding, but I also don't believe that distinction is indicated in the documentation either. I was further confused because this exact workflow is present in VertiGIS Web on-premise.

    Yes, my custom Workflows are present in the menu, so that is definitely not an issue. The ability to create Workflows from Templates within the app is a feature I have used in VertiGIS Web and I would love to see it in Mobile, especially for my staff who are newer to Mobile Workflow creation. Are there any plans to make that a feature in the future? Thanks.

  • Cam Carmichael

    Hi Randy.

    I've made a note to review the technical details of this issue with the appropriate team(s) and see if there's a reason we can't offer this for on-prem installs. I'll update this space when I know more.

    If nothing else, I'll make sure the help docs are updated to reflect this issue.

    Stay tuned :)


  • Randy Casey

    @... thank you! I appreciate the follow-up!

  • Gareth Evans

    Another VertiGIS employee weighing in here, from the Support team. I've noted this issue before. A factor to consider is the virtual path of your deployed applications. Which path are your on-prem VSM & VSWF deployed to? This could be /veritgisstudio/ or /geocortex/ or something custom. In my experience, this behaviour works as expected only if both are deployed on the same server to the default virtual path.

  • Randy Casey

    Gareth Evans nailed it! We had our VSM installed on a separate server (with virtualization), which was a throwback to when we were experimenting with using the Build Service version before abandoning it due to lack of interest in custom development. Now that we are not using it, I went ahead and installed the No Build Service version on our development server, which has Workflows installed on it, and now that option appears! Great add Gareth Evans!

  • Gareth Evans

    Aha, excellent! I'm glad we identified the root of the issue.

    I've also added some notes on our internal bug report (bug 147386) around this issue. 

    On the topic of documentation, we do mention this scenario here in the VSW docs, though we don't mention it in VSM documentation: Geocortex Web Designer Help - Add a Workflow to an App (vertigisstudio.com):

    Under 'create workflow' there is note: "This option is not available for on-premises Workflow installations that are not installed in the default installation folder. If so, you must create the workflow within Workflow Designer instead."


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