Studio Mobile 5.19.0 - Setting editorInteractionMode causes error
Studio Mobile 5.19.0 has a known issue, that's causing some commands to break. The commands can be run either from a Workflow, or directly from components in your app (eg. a button). If you have a command that attempts to set the "editorInteractionMode" to "freehand" or "centerCrosshair", it will produce an error.
The underlying cause of the error is that the values for the "editorInteractionMode" have changed:
- editorInteractionMode "freehand" has changed to "pointerMode"
- editorInteractionMode "centerCrosshair" has changed to "centerCrosshairMode"
The error handling for the command error is different depending on how the command is invoked. In Workflow, an error dialog will be displayed if the error is uncaught. For commands executed from the app directly, (eg. button or I Want To menu), the error will not pop up in a dialog, but it will be logged, and can be seen in the log viewer. If it occurs in a command chain, the command will log an error, and then conintue executing the next command in the chain.
The following commands are affected:
- "sketching.set-interaction-mode" - through "editorInteractionMode"
- "sketching.capture-geometry" - through "editorSettings"."editorInteractionMode"
- "map.start-sketch" - through "editorSettings"."editorInteractionMode"
Make the following changes to fix the affected commands:
- Change "freehand" to "pointerMode"
- Change "centerCrosshair" to "centerCrosshairMode"
Then the command should work as it did before.
Lead Developer for Studio Mobile
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