Base map picker shows file extension for sideloaded base maps
Is there a way to force the base map picker to show the file name without the file extension? It is a small thing, but showing the list without the file extension looks cleaner for the end user.
Hi Aaron,
Thank you for your question. This is Phil MacIntyre with the Mobile team. It is not currently possible to hide those file extensions. Go is simply reading and displaying the appropriate files detected in your installed location rather than doing any massaging of the data.
I'll bring your suggestion up with our team and discuss this as a possible feature enhancement for a future release.
Have a great day,
Phil MacIntyre
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Thanks for responding @Phil MacIntyre.
I would like to add another idea...
-Add a folder for each app so each app can access a set of specific side-loaded base maps. Or, add this functionality to the designer.
Thanks Again
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Hi again Aaron,
Another good suggestion for sure. I'll be sure to bring that up.
Thanks again,
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