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Studio Go Has Trouble Typing My User Name


5 kommentarer

  • Ryan Cooney

    Keith Massie, I've moved this post from Reporting over to the VertiGIS Studio Mobile discussion.

  • Phil MacIntyre

    Hi Keith,

    This is Phil MacIntyre with the Mobile team. Thank you for your question. This isn't something that we've encountered ourselves, so would you please provide a little additional info to help us troubleshoot?

    - What version(s) of Go are you running?

    - Have multiple users encountered this? Same or different devices? What sort of hardware and OS versions are affected?

    - Are you running multiple languages on your device or just one?

    - Silly question perhaps but good to rule out, is your device autocompleting your entries?

    - Have you seen this sort of behaviour with any other apps on your device when doing a sign in?


    Thank you,


  • Keith Massie


    I don't know about other users at this timme

    Samsung Galaxy S9

    English is the only language

    It tries to autocomplete, but I don't let it

    This behavior has occurred on this device several times in the past six months

    Thanks for your help.  I appreciate your time.





  • Phil MacIntyre

    Hi Keith,

    Thank you for the follow up information. We have a number of Samsung devices in our testing stable, so let me do some testing on our side and see if I can reproduce the issue and then we'll try troubleshoot from there.

    Thanks again,


  • Phil MacIntyre

    Hi Keith,

    We've tested this sign in prompt on numerous Android devices in the past couple of weeks and have yet to reproduce the issue. We will continue to attempt to do so and will look to fix the issue if we can pin it down. That said, we have done some work around our credentials functionality which will be present in our upcoming 5.22 release, so we may have remedied the issue by making general improvements in that space.

    I'll be sure to let you know if we have any further updates. Have a great day,



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